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Untitled Manual Playlist
0 Lessons
00m 00s
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Ask Coach X
484 Lessons
19h 15m 06s
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Basketball Footwork 101 : 202 - Must Have Basics This Bingeworthy Basketball Series begins at the beginning. The cornerstone pieces of basketball footwork that every single player, parent or coach must need to know about.
16 Lessons
26m 22s
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Absolute Gold - #1 Best Ball Handling Drills For Kids, Parents & Coaches The Bingeworthy Series has it all. If you are looking to new ways to improve your ball handling, dribbling and overall confidence with the basketball, this is the basketball series to binge on.
11 Lessons
23m 52s
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Perfect Shooting Form Foundation - Begin at the Beginning This Bingeworthy Basketball Series focuses on the foundational pieces of perfect basketball shooting form. In this series, you get a front row seat as Coach Teddy explains and demonstrates what perfect shooting form looks and feels like, how to develop "Perfect Practice" habits as well as addressing the major mistakes most players, parents and coaches make at the very beginning of a young player's development. In this Bingeworthy series, you will learn the very best way to shoot a basketball from one of the greatest shooters of All-Time.
13 Lessons
21m 27s
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LAYUPS LAYUPS LAYUPS This Bingewrothy series is all about LAYUPS! TDBA Teaching Style is unique and custom tailored for results. Kids love to learn this way. LayUps are the Most Important, Most Common and Most Under Appreciated Shot in the Game of Basketball. This Bingeworthy basketball Series will help to make the learning / teaching process easy, fun and effective.
13 Lessons
19m 15s
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Mortal Combat Finishing Moves - Five (5) Types of Scoring Footwork This Bingeworthy Series Teaches Five of the Most Effective Pieces of Basketball Footwork that happen when it matters most, at the finish. Mastering 1 of These 5 Types of "Scoring Footwork" will elevate your game to the next level. Master All 5 and you are truly elite.
7 Lessons
10m 22s
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Sweet Moves - Become an Unstoppable Basketball Player This Bingeworthy Series Teaches How To Master the Most Dynamic Basketball Moves and Illustrates How & When To Use Them. If you master the Sweet Moves in This Series... You Are An UNSTOPPABLE BASKETBALL PLAYER!
16 Lessons
24m 38s
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Secret Scoring "Angles" To The Rim - How To Play & Teach Winning Basketball This Bingeworthy Series Teaches You How To Be a Better Player Immediately, even before skills improve. Some angles and areas of the court yield a higher rate of success. These succeed the most. Becoming a great shooter takes time. Being a great scorers requires the specialized knowledge taught in this unique and insightful Bingeworthy Basketball Series.
16 Lessons
19m 59s
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Tips & Tricks for Winning - How To Beat Players Who Are Better Than You This Bingeworthy Series provides invaluable insight to basketball's greatest mystery and most exciting turn of events. The Upset. Everyone will find themselves in the "Under Dog" role at one time or another. Play enough basketball and you will run into opponents and competition that are bigger, stronger, more experienced and flat out better than you. This doesn't mean you can't win. YES You can! This Bingeworthy Basketball Series explains tips & tricks to even the odds, make miracle upsets happen and is your #1 guide to beating players who are better than you at basketball! Enjoy Your Binge!
16 Lessons
24m 59s
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Fun Tips, Drills & Games For Kids The Bingeworthy Series is Perfect for the Volunteer / Parent Coach. It is so important to teach & Learn the basics. This Basketball Series makes it fun to be a coach with specific ways to make it more fun for the kids. When Fun is #1, Kids Learn Best. Enjoy!
9 Lessons
09m 47s
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10 Day Home Workout Plan for Players & Parents To Do Together This 10 Day Home Workout Plan for Players and Parents to do together was spawned during the shutdown when everyone was in quarantine. Many families requested a plan for home workouts since kids were not only kept out of gyms, but the "ridiculous dictators" also took basketball rims off of outdoor baskets at parks. We made lemonade! This plan is a 5 part series with some additional bonus features and fun contests.
5 Lessons
01h 09m 28s
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Perfecting The Mid-Range Game Perfecting the Midrange Game Home Study Course is a Bingeworthy Basketball Series if there ever was one! This 5 Part Series includes: - The Shots - The Angles - The Footwork - How To Get Your Shot Off - The Moves - This was Coach Teddy Dupay's first Home Study Course and sold for $199 when it was originally released. The top feedback from those who purchased was "I can't believe this doesn't cost more" This series will help your develop confidence in your midrange game and help you extend your midrange game to beyond the 3-point line! Enjoy Your Basketball Binge!
5 Lessons
01h 19m 39s
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In The News + Motivation! This Bingeworthy Basketball Series dives into media coverage of the TDBA Movement and Culture. Included are TV Specials, Motivations Speeches, ESPN Stories plus some entertaining, inspiring and eye opening content that will give you a true, inside look, at what the hype is all about and Why everyone is so excited about TDBA! A+ Binge!
7 Lessons
25m 32s
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Dynamic Dribbling Drills This Bingeworthy Basketball Series provides dribbling drills to improve your ball handling skills. These drills are unique, fun and are effective. Though this binge worthy series only scratches the surface for Bball Binge content, its a deep dive compared to the cookie cutter drills you find with other basketball videos. Enjoy Your Binge!
12 Lessons
39m 40s
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DEFENSE! - Defensive Principles, Stance, Slides & Strategy This Bingeworthy Basketball Series is all about Defense! You will learn how to play Man to Man Defense, Team Defense, Post Defense, Out of Bounds Defense, Zone & Full Court Press Defense as well as how to teach these concepts in a way that is simple, understandable and executable.
12 Lessons
24m 13s
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Quotes & Wisdom from Basketball Legends This Quick Bingeworthy Basketball Series Quotes Basketball Legends. You can use, draw from and yes, even steal these quotes to use for yourself. Learn from the greatest basketball minds to ever grace the earth!
12 Lessons
02m 54s
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Shooting Drills - Keep Your Workout Routine Fresh & Fun If you want to improve your shooting accuracy and shooting percentages %, these Shooting Drills will help you do just that. In this Bingeworthy basketball series, Coach Teddy Teaches and demonstrates a wide variety of shooting games and drills to keep your workout routines fresh, exciting, productive and FUN!
19 Lessons
59m 50s
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17 . 4 Second Shot Clock Offense - Numbered Fast Break This Bingeworthy Basketball Series begins to scratch the surface of the 4 second shot clock offense. Created by legendary coach Frank Morris to simply offense, score fast, play fun and make it impossible for a defense to prepare. Coach Morris was the High School coach of Billy Donovan as well as Teddy Dupay. The numbered fast break is a staple for every team in today's game of basketball but this wasn't always the case. Coach Frank Morris's offense has changed the game and this series breaks it down into its simplest form so you may implement this with your team, at any level of play. ENJOY!
9 Lessons
26m 06s
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