Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cancel at any time?
bbBinge subscriptions renew, just like Netflix or Hulu. But, of course you can cancel at any point. It would be a pretty shabby business, if that wasn't an option! Seriously — it's not like the gym. Visit your settings page, click "Cancel," and done. Tears will be shed on this end, but that's not your concern.
If I sign up, do I gain access to everything?
Yes! And that's over 400+ hours of lessons of training goodness — by a teacher who won't put you to sleep. You've seen those terrible Youtube videos; life's too short to endure teenaged umms, uhhs, and typos. Learn with Teddy Dupay instead. Did you know that nine out of ten doctors recommend bbBinge over competing brands?
Do you offer discounts?
Here's the thing: bbBinge is already priced below most similar sites, so there isn't much wiggle room. However, if you live in a country where $19 per month is prohibitively high - or the conversion rate is unreasonable - email, and we'll see what we can do for you. Otherwise, please stick with the monthly rate we offer. Thank you!
Initially, the 'BASKETBALL' was what object?
Soccer ball - Basketball was made from soccer balls. Fruits on the other hand would have burst if being used, Meatball also wouldn't be considered good and balloons hilariously would just leave the players running around or burst without getting a few shots!

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Nine out of ten doctors recommend bbbinge over competing brands. Come inside, see for yourself, and massively level up your basketball skills in the process.

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